APOLLO: A Randomized Phase II Double-Blind Study of Olaparib versus Placebo Following Adjuvant Chemotherapy in Patients with Resected Pancreatic Cancer and a Pathogenic BRCA1 BRCA2 or PALB2 Mutation

APOLLO: A Randomized Phase II Double-Blind Study of Olaparib versus Placebo Following Adjuvant Chemotherapy in Patients with Resected Pancreatic Cancer and a Pathogenic BRCA1  BRCA2 or PALB2 Mutation

Brief description of study

The purpose of this study is to compare the usual treatment alone to using one year of olaparib. We will enroll subject who have been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and have undergone surgery to remove the cancer. Only patients who are found to have a BRCA1, BRCA2 or PALB2 mutation will be asked to participate in the therapeutic part of this study.

Eligibility of study

You may be eligible for this study if you meet the following criteria:

  • Conditions:
    Pancreatic Cancer
  • Age: Between 18 Years - 99 Years
  • Gender: All

Updated on 09 Mar 2024. Study ID: 849009
If you need assistance finding a non-cancer clinical research study or if you have any questions, please email psom-ocr@pobox.upenn.edu For cancer trials contact EmergingMed: 1-855-216-0098 or PennCancerTrials@emergingmend.com

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